How can you help us?
Several ways to invest or get involved to bring children with access to fewer resources a share of dreams.
You have time and you want to invest yourself personally in a project,
You can also join us at the bureau to help us in the heart of the administration and the rise of the association,
Promote the association by talking about it around you... word of mouth helps us to increase the number of members!
It is thanks to your donations that educational projects can be carried out.
feel free to Contact us...
Every participation is welcome and remember that all donations are tax deductible:

Tax reduction for individuals
CGI art 200
Your donations entitle you to an income tax reduction equal to 66% of their amount within the limit of 20% of taxable income. And when the donations made during a year exceed the 20% limit, the excess is carried forward successively to the following years up to and including the fifth and opens the right to the tax reduction under the same conditions.
Ex: you give 1000 euros to 120 W: you pay 660 less tax.
your gift only really costs you 340!
Tax reduction for companies
art 238 bis of the CGI
Your donations entitle you to a tax reduction equal to 60% of their amount within the limit of 5 per thousand of turnover (for companies subject to income tax or corporation tax) . And when the fixed limit is exceeded during a financial year, the excess payment may give rise to a tax reduction for the next five financial years under the same conditions.
Ex: you give 1000 to 120W: you pay 600 less tax
your donation only costs you 400 euros!